Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Blue Ocean: Recipe of Coca Cola Revealed

The top secret recipe of one of the world's most popular beverages, Coca Cola, which was kept locked in a steel vault in Atlanta city and guarded 24-hours a day, has now been leaked by a website.

The "secret" recipe is al follows:

Fluid extract of Coca 3 drams USP
Citric acid 3 oz
Caffeine 1 oz
Sugar 30 (quantity unclear from the markings)
Water 2.5 gal
Lime juice 2 pints 1 qrt
Vanilla 1 oz
Caramel 1.5 oz or more to colour

7X flavour (use 2oz of flavour to 5 gals syrup)
Alcohol 8 oz
Orange oil 20 drops
Lemon oil 30 drops
Nutmeg oil 10 drops
Coriander 5 drops
Neroli 10 drops
Cinnamon 10 drops

Source: abna.ir

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Comel jugak bila harimau bermata juling

Harimau jaguar bermata juling jadi tumpuan
Jarang jumpa binatang bermata juling...
SEEKOR harimau jaguar yang memiliki sepasang mata juling kini menjadi daya tarikan 
di Zoo Delitzscher di Jerman.


Kucing Bermata Juling

Friday, February 4, 2011

Alcohol in soft Drinks

Berita Harian - Alcohol in soft Drinks

Para ibu bapa perlu mengawasi supaya anak mereka tidak membeli atau meminum minuman yang mengadungi alcohol ini. Alcohol Volume:4%